Saturday, August 14, 2010

Have you Considered a Clothing Swap?

Maybe you have too many clothes, you're bored with your clothes, or have clothes that no longer (or never did) fit the way they should.

Grab a handful or two of friends (and their friends) - 10-15 people is a good goal to aim for, give or take a few. Different shapes and sizes is ok too. Pick a night to meet and ask everyone to bring clothes they no longer want (clothing of all seasons is ok).

That night, everyone should dump thier clothes into one pile and start picking through to find things they like that someone else brought.

Be sure to have 2 full-length mirrors (or more) available - at some point during the swap, everyone must try on the clothes they picked to make sure it is a good fit - otherwise, it goes back in the pile for someone else to consider. Some groups have "try-on" rooms available, while others just ask the women to wear bodysuits to try the clothes on regardless of separate rooms.

If 2 people want the same item, you can have lots of fun by having them both try on the item and have the group vote who it looks best on. If you're uncomfortable doing this, have a coin toss.

Maybe you find something great...or several things...or nothing at all. If you do the swap often enough, let's say every 6 months, you will find it is worth doing. The best part is all the fun you will have - lots of laughs and stories...and the clothes are free!

All leftover clothes should be brought to a donation bin. Feel free to comment on my post if you have done a clothing swap to share your experience and tips.

Some have even had a swap for children's clothes. Whichever you choose, have fun with it!

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